Human rights in Myanmar: The NUG's programs and policies

By H.E. Aung Myo Min, Minister for Human Rights, National Unity Government, Myanmar

On April 16, 2021, the interim government, National Unity Government (NUG), was formed with two main aims: to eliminate the military dictatorship in Myanmar and to build a genuine federal democratic union. The Ministry of Human Rights is one of the seventeen ministries of the NUG to ensure nation-building in which all citizens and residents are treated equally without any discrimination as per international human rights principles and standards.

During this presentation and interactive discussion, the NUG Human Rights Minister H.E. Aung Myo Min will share how the Ministry works with various stakeholders both domestically and internationally to serve the people of Myanmar to be respectful of, to be protective of, and to promote human rights on par with the international human rights principles and standards. 

The Ministry is running three key programs: developing a mechanism where human rights abuses and violations can be put forwards as complaints and recording all human rights violations; cooperating and collaborating with international organizations working on human rights and justice, including the United Nations, to put the culture of impunity to an end; and, to ensure that human rights principles and standards are integrated into every policy and position of the NUG.

This opportunity to meet with Minister Aung Myo Min will be a chance to learn how the NUG is working with international human rights principles and to discuss the two-year old interim government's achievements to date.

About the speaker

H.E. Aung Myo Min has been an advocate for human rights in Myanmar for decades. He was a student activist when the pro-democracy movement happened in 1988 and escaped to the Myanmar-Thai border after the 1988 military coup. He served in the Foreign Affairs Department of the All Burma Students’ Democratic Front. In 1995, he earned a master’s degree in human rights from Columbia University.

In 2000 he founded the Human Rights Education Center (Myanmar) in Thailand. From 2005 to 2010 he served as Director of the Human Rights Documentation Department under the National Coalition Government of Union of Burma. He was serving as Executive Director of Equality Myanmar before being appointed as the NUG Human Rights Minister. He holds seven international human rights honors including the Shuman Award presented by the EU.

This is an in-person only event, reception at 4.30pm, lecture at 5pm.

Registration is essential.





Lecture Theatre 1 (HB1), Hedley Bull Building 130, ANU


